Welcome admitted BASW students
for the 2023-2024 academic year
Congratulations on your acceptance to the UW School of Social Work BASW program! Here you will find information on next steps, resources to get you established as a student, and other UW resources.
(How to get started at SSW)
Transfer students:
- Accept your offer of admission to UW overall through the First Year Programs website and sign up for summer transfer A&O session. Please see the FYP website to register for A&O and review important information on how to confirm UW enrollment and setting up a UW NetID.
- You can request to defer the $347 NSEOF fee to Autumn quarter financial aid if it is difficult to afford now
All students:
- Accept your seat in the BASW cohort by June 24, 2022 by emailing baswapp@uw.edu with the subject ”BASW Admissions Confirmation” and include your full name in the body of the message. It is important that you notify us of your intent to join the BASW program.
If we do not hear from you by the June 24th deadline, we will assume you do not intend to become a Social Welfare major and your place will be offered to a student on our alternate list; if you decide not to join us there is no need to wait, please let us know as soon as you’ve made your decision.
Transfer students, please sign up through First Year Programs for a Monday Advising & Orientation session over the summer. All are held remotely for this summer. You will meet with Nicole and register for your autumn classes as part of the A&O.
All incoming BASW students, both continuing UW and transfer, will attend the mandatory BASW Orientation on Monday, September 26th. Please hold all day for this orientation.
Complete your background check by June 24, 2022: Visit the CastleBranch portal and follow instructions to access the background check arranged for our admitted students (select UQ93). Our admissions offer is conditional on satisfactory results from your background check; a $53.00 fee is charged for the background check. If you are unable to afford this cost, please contact program assistant director Nicole Guenther at npg324@uw.edu to discuss options. If you are arrested before/during your time in the program, or any changes occur in your legal status related to arrests, we require you to notify Lin Murdock, Director of Student Services, immediately at linm@uw.edu. Certain convictions might prevent students from being placed or continuing in practicum settings; if applicable, contact Lin to determine if there are implications for your student status.
Please send official transcripts to UW Admissions once you have completed your last quarter before coming to the UW. See this page on the Admissions website for details on how to send transcripts to the UW.
Unofficial transcripts from each undergraduate institution must be submitted to Social Work Admissions by June 24, 2022. These can be emailed to baswapp@uw.edu once all prerequisite courses have been completed.
*If you are currently enrolled in a college / university, a final transcript will be required after you complete the course / degree and it is posted on the transcript. If you are graduating with an AA degree this quarter, please wait to request your transcripts until you see the AA listed on your transcript, to avoid ending up needing to pay for another one in the future.
If you have not already completed your prerequisites necessary to begin the BASW program in September please plan to register for those courses this summer at either a community college or the UW. If you have questions about your prerequisite courses yet to be completed, please email Nicole Guenther at npg324@uw.edu. You can review prerequisite course options here.
CURRENTLY ENROLLED UW STUDENTS: Nicole Guenther will be your departmental adviser and she will be scheduling appointments this summer with incoming students, starting in early July. You will not be able to register in the required Social Welfare courses until you have officially changed to the Social Welfare major, which you will do with Nicole. Your seats in the required classes are held for you, so you do not need to worry about waiting to register. If you have an urgent advising matter feel free to contact Nicole at npg324@uw.edu sooner.
Students are requested to use their UW email when emailing SSW Admissions or Nicole Guenther. If you are unable to use your UW email address, please make sure to include your student ID number or full name in your email.
The School of Social Work is part of the UW Health Sciences and, as such, all BASW students must establish a CastleBranch Immunization account by August 15th, 2022 ($35 set up fee plus a small quarterly fee when enrolled). Please note: the immunization account is different from your background check account). For details about the Castlebranch immunization requirements, please visit this Immunization Canvas page, developed by our Student Services team, and this HSIP Requirements Checklist handout.
Please start gathering your immunization records now, over the summer. All are required unless you have medical contraindication (no exemptions for religious/philosophical reasons). Create a CastleBranch immunization account by August 15th ($35 account creation fee) and upload all documentation by September 15th.
You will need to have your HSIP records uploaded and approved before meeting with Nicole in order to register each quarter and participate in practicum (this includes proof of COVID vaccination).
- If you have any disabilities that may impact your educational experience and access to the curriculum, we strongly encourage you to arrange accommodations through Disability Resources for Students.
- Applying over the summer gives time for accommodations to be in place at the beginning of the quarter.
We strongly encourage you to file a 2022-2023 FAFSA or WASFA if you have not already.
Priority Appeal – if you missed the January 15th priority date for applying for Financial Aid, you will want to file an appeal to be moved into the priority category
Change in Financial Situation – If your income or savings/assets have changed by >25% compared to the information included in your original application, you are eligible to request a revision to your financial aid. If you were working fulltime in 2020 and intend to reduce your income this coming year, this may apply to you.
These appeals can be accessed through DocuSign on the Financial Aid Forms page. Speak with Nicole if you have questions or would like help making sense of your financial aid situation and appeal options.
Listed below are a few UW resources for students:
- Disability Resources for Students
Name Changes – Legal and Preferred
If you are anticipating a legal name change, we recommend students begin the UW Registrar’s legal name change process early. More information on legal name policy through the UW Registrar’s office: legal name change.
The UW allows students to identify the name they would like to be called in classroom settings and when interacting with University personnel. This preferred name is used in a variety of applications.
For more information on how to change your preferred name, please visit the Registrar’s website: preferred names
*You might not be able to make changes to your preferred name until you submit your deposit/create your UW NetID.
Whether you change your legal or preferred name, once it is reflected in UW databases, you will want to get it changed in School of Social Work system(s). We will provide additional information on this step in future communication.
- International Student Services
- Q Center
- Student parent resources
- Student Veteran Life
To contact the BASW Program Assistant Director, Nicole Guenther, at the School of Social Work, please email her at npg324@uw.edu.
*Disclaimer: this webpage and information may be updated daily and is subject to change.