Interested in visiting us? Whether in-person or virtual, you can tour UW’s beautiful campus!
While we don’t offer formal building tours of the School of Social Work, it is open to the public from 7:30am – 6:00pm and is located at 4101 15th Ave. NE, Seattle.
Explore Seattle! See all there is to do in the city and the University District neighborhood.
Visiting campus and interested in good food? Check out the UDistrict! Located in the surrounding area of UW’s campus, and around the corner from The School of Social Work, UDistrict has tons of shops and restaurants serving any cuisine you can think of! Just a block away from The School of Social work is University Way, better known as “The Ave”. As the heart of UDistrict, The Ave is a bustling street with great dining options, the University Bookstore, and more- if you’re on campus and need to grab boba, a coffee, or a quick bite, this is your spot!